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The number 9, Avocados and babies.

Okay I’m sure you’re wondering what the heck does this have to do with one another???? Lol.... well let me explain! The number 9 represents the state of completion. To be complete in something that must mean you have everything you need to complete a thing right? It takes 9 months for a baby to fully develop in a womb, just as it takes an avocado to grow from a blossom into a ripened fruit. 🥑 The avocado shares the same shape as your uterus and with 9 representing the state of completion, wholeness, that means YOU, by design are created with everything you need to produce life! And I’m not just speaking for women who have birthed children, I’m talking creation! Whether that be to create physical life in this world, creating million dollar ideas 💡 creating worthy relationships, creating businesses! We as women hold the power in our womb! We are not in lack! We have everything we need to complete a thing! So walk-in that! Believe without a shadow of a doubt that you need nothing additional to be great! Because you are complete! Whole! Just the way you are! You are a number 9!

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